Bullying Reporting Form

Link for the Reporting Bullying Form


Bullying is any overt acts by a student or group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, on a school bus or at a school sponsored activity, which acts are committed more than once against any student during the school year. Bullying also includes the use of computer systems, including email, instant messaging, text messaging, blogging or the use of social networking websites or other forms of electronic communications by a student or group of students to ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate another student.

Steps taken to resolve bullying issues brought to the school’s attention:


Interview reporter (if not anonymous), victim, witnesses, bully

Collect and review data

Contact parents of bully and victim

Develop a plan to end further bullying behaviors directed at the victim

Inform teachers and other staff as needed

Subsequent Incidents

Investigation with increased interventions: counseling, detentions, community service, suspension and possible expulsion
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